Mixed fabrics on cardboard armature with padding, miniature bird, needle & thread. 10" H

Silk with taffeta lining, buttons & findings. 9.5”H x 4.5” w x 3” (including handles)

Mixed fabric construction with padding, ribbons, collected findings 4”w x 8”l x 4” h Private Collection

Velvet and silk construction with padding, typing on silk, findings, stitching 4” w x 7” l x 5.5” h Personal collection of Sas Colby

Various one-of-akind, variable sizes, stitched drawings found handkerchiefs, copied in different configurations color Xerox, and assembled into books with plastic bindings.

on left, Bonnard, 10.5” x 7”, with smaller attachments silk, pins, buttons, postage stamp, stitching on right, Magritte, 7” x 9.5”, with zipper extending 7.5” silk appliqué with paper tag, beads, threads, stitching

with smaller attachments silk, pins, buttons, postage stamp, stitching. 10.5” x 7”

Silk appliqué with postage stamp, paper tag, beads, threads, stitching. 7” x 9.5”, with zipper extending 7.5”

Layers of small silk swatches, with unfinished edges, French postage stamps affixed with tiny stitches,beads, shells. Address is machine stitched on silk. 5.5” x 10”, 2 snaps closure

Mixed fabrics with stitching, typing on silk, photo transfer, postage stamps, postage cancellations. 6” x 8.5” Personal collection of Sas Colby

Typing on silk, with silk envelope, silk fibers, feathers, beads, stitched figure drawing, French postage stamp. Mounted on board 12”x 18” Private Collection

Textile with Xerox transfers, cardboard armature with padding, hand stitching with buttons. 8” L

Padded box construction with silk appliqué, photo transfers, 3 small silk dolls with photo transfer faces of the artist and her siblings. 5”H x 8”W x 5”D Personal collection of Sas Colby